Consider Grout Cleaning to Avoid Grout Replacement

Whether it is the kitchen, the bathroom, or the hallway, tiled areas face a lot of daily traffic. It is no wonder that the grout between them collects dirt. And because it is made of a porous material, grout is more likely to stain or develop an unsightly, yellowish color. This is often the case in bathrooms, where the environment is typically more humid and there is a greater likelihood of mold formation.

It is important to clean the grout not only for aesthetic and hygienic reasons, but also to prevent black mold, which can be dangerous for people’s health. Having persistent and prolonged contact with mold may cause coughing, asthma and lung problems.

In addition, grout that has been affected too deeply by dirt deposits throughout the time may become impossible to clean properly, in which case it would need to be replaced.

grout cleaning

To avoid all these inconveniences, there are several simple grout cleaning solutions that should be used periodically in order to keep your grout clean and good-looking for a long time.

  • Homemade cleaning solution: water and vinegar: This simple cleaning solution can be used for almost any tiled surface in the house. Vinegar is one of the most effective natural cleaning products. All you have to do is mixing equal parts of water and vinegar, put the solution in a spray bottle, then apply it to the grout. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then use a soft sponge to clean it.
  • Steam cleaner: These cleaners are extremely versatile, as they can be used on many different surfaces and serve many different purposes. The cleaner releases a jet of hot steam, which immediately removes dirt, not just from textiles but also from surfaces such as tiles and the grout between them.
  • Bleach with baking soda: Create a paste from baking soda and bleach, then apply it to the grout between your tiles, let it sit for an hour and remove it with a damp cloth. You should wear a mask when applying the paste, as it releases some chemicals that are dangerous if inhaled. Take care that the place is well ventilated when using this cleaning solution, and leave the room while the solution sits.
  • Homemade mixture of dishwashing detergent, vinegar, salt and water: Another effective solution for cleaning the grout can be made from 250 ml of vinegar, 10 tablespoons of salt, 250 ml of water, and 2 tablespoons of liquid dishwashing detergent. Apply this mixture to the grout, let it sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse well.

A very good idea to prevent dirt from accumulating on the grout between the tiles is to use one of these solutions regularly, about once every few weeks. This way, tiles and grout will stay consistently clean, and the more frequently they are cleaned the less elbow grease you’ll have to use!

To keep the grout between the tiles looking clean, specialists recommend using a floor wax as a finishing touch. In addition to ensuring a beautiful shine, the wax will create a protective coating.

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